Jenn Vervier, the Director of Sustainability and Strategic Development for New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado, shares a tremendous amount of information about New Belgium’s conservation and sustainability efforts as they relate to direct and indirect use of water in the brewing process, to the water-energy nexus, and to society in general. She provided a fantastic interview and displayed great knowledge of New Belgium’s water processes and substantial efforts on the water sustainability front
Denise Nelson, Vice President of Public Education for the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure, discusses the EnvisionTM Ratings System. Denise describes the origins of the...
In this episode, we look at things from a different perspective. Sci-Fi author Claudiu Murgan discusses his new book, Water Entanglement, and explains how...
George Hawkins, CEO and General Manager of DC Water, joins The Water Values Podcast and discusses his brand of change leadership. George details specific...