Michael Deane, the Executive Director at the National Association of Water Companies, identifies important issues for investor-owned water utilities. He describes how both the private and public sectors can work together to solve today’s water challenges. With a career dedicated to this vital resource, Michael shares his perspective about how previous generations have paved the way for our nation to enjoy the highest quality water in the world – and now he poses important questions for this generation.
Kendall Dix, National Policy Director for the Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy, comes on to discuss his recent article for the People’s...
Steve Maxwell of TechKNOWLEDGEy Strategic Group joins The Water Values Podcast this week to discuss the four ways we need to think differently about...
Josh Cantone, Managing Director of Suez Digital Solutions North America/CEO of Optimatics and Patrick Keaney, CEO of Subeca, provide a fascinating look at the...