Ed Pawlowski, mayor of Allentown, PA, discusses how a public–private partnership (or P3) helped to save the city from financial ruin and revitalize the city, turning a multi-million dollar deficit into a multi-million dollar surplus. The Mayor discusses the nuts and bolts of the P3 arrangement from the RFP process and building political support for the P3 to the details of the P3 such as how rate increases, capital expenditures and environmental risks are handled.
Todd Danielson, Chief Utilities Executive at Avon Lake Regional Water, relates a number of issues pertaining to utilities in the Midwest. Water quality (including...
Brad Lancaster discusses permaculture and rainwater harvesting. Brad describes how to harvest rainwater and greywater. Brad also explains how the soil helps filter out...
Chmn. Alaina Burtenshaw of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (also a Co-Vice Chair of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ (NARUC) Committee...