Sharlene Leurig, Water Program Director at Ceres, discusses the impact of climate change on water. Sharlene takes us on economy-wide tour of water’s impact on climate. Sharlene addresses how cities are using innovative green infrastructure programs & provides examples from San Francisco and Philadelphia. She also identifies some of the challenges of funding the investments needed to cope with our infrastructure needs, from rating agencies issues to government-imposed limits in debt instruments, like bonds
In the second session of The Water Values Podcast, I welcome Jack Wittman, a hydrogeologist with INTERA. As described in the podcast, Jack has...
Tim Eder, the Executive Director of the Great Lakes Commission, joins The Water Values Podcast this week. Tim passionately describes the issues affecting the...
Burke Griggs provides a riveting discussion on the state of water law, including some history and procedure involving interstate water disputes and a rundown...