Terrence McDonough, an economics professor at the National University of Ireland in Galway, discusses one of the most controversial issues surrounding water in the current world: the implementation of water charges in Ireland. Terry fills us in on how water historically has been paid for by the Irish people, why the model has changed, and what is behind all of the unrest over these charges in Ireland. As Terry explains, it’s a very complicated issue. One far more complex than it appears at first blush.
Eleanor Allen joins The Water Values Podcast to discuss the history and mission of the great organization she leads, Water For People. Eleanor provides...
Saltworks Technologies CEO Ben Sparrow joins us to explore wastewater treatment processes and specifically zero liquid discharge systems. Ben does a great job walking...
LatAm water veteran Shimon Constante provides great insights into the LatAm water markets, their history, and how they developed. Shimon also focuses on and...