Parjana CEO Greg McPartlin explains the patented technology that helps replenish groundwater and mitigate surface water problems. Through Parjana’s invention of an “artificial tree root”, surface water is more easily dispersed in the ground and thus achieves groundwater balance. New applications for the Parjana technology occur on a frequent basis, and you’ll be interested to hear how the technology has been applied to date and how it works in this great episode of The Water Values Podcast.
Robert “Bo” Abrams is a professor of law at Florida A&M University’s College of Law, & he explains in clear detail how water law...
Emagin’s Chief Strategy Officer, Jonathan Grant, explains how Emagin is helping to mainstream AI and machine learning. Jonathan identifies and answers the most common...
Chris Peacock, water sector entrepreneur and founder of the Water Innovation Project, takes us on a journey in search of “smart water”. He shares...