Frank Holleman, a lawyer with the Southern Environmental Law Center, addresses the contaminants contained in coal ash, the historical manner of its disposal and storage, the evolution of utilities in dealing with coal ash storage issues, and much more. While cleaning up coal ash storage sites and protecting water quality is a work in progress, utilities have evolved from coal ash lagoon storage to the more preferable solution of dry, lined storage, or even re-use of coal ash in products like cement.
Irrigated agriculture expert Daniele Zaccaria joins The Water Values Podcast for an in-depth look at the state of irrigated agriculture. Daniele has been around...
Cynthia Koehler, Executive Director of WaterNow Alliance, provides a great and energetic interview discussing WaterNow Alliance and its new program Tap Into Resilience. Cynthia’s...
Christine Boyle returns after 5 years and discusses her journey from 2015 start-up to 2018 sale. She provides hints and valuable insights for start-ups...