Splashlink co-founder Jason Wuliger joins The Water Values Podcast to discuss how SplashLink, an online marketplace for the water sector, creates connectivity among sector participants. Jason walks us through how utilities and market participants can use SplashLink to identify problems or issues and then to find the right product or service to remedy the problem.
Will Maize talks smart water and the technologies that he sees gaining traction in the market in our Bluefield on Tap segment.
An all-star panel of water leaders participate in a roundtable discussion about what happened in the year that was 2023, and provide insights on...
The one and only Pat Mulroy joins The Water Values Podcast for a discussion about water leadership and training the next generation of water...
Ambient Water CEO, Keith White, discusses Ambient Water’s unique distributed water solution. Keith developed the distributed water technology and is now commercializing it with...