Water investor Bill Brennan joins the podcast and discusses a wide range of water investments, including some historical analysis of the water investment cycle, how he views water investing changing over time, and more. It’s a terrific inside look at an investor who’s been around the water industry and how he views the water market.
Reese Tisdale discusses decentralized water systems and the recent influx of investment those systems have seen in our Bluefield on Tap segment.
James Eklund returns to The Water Values Podcast for a third time to provide an argument for why demand management is critical to the...
John Williams, Chairman and CEO of Impact Infrastructure, Inc., joins The Water Values Podcast and discusses economic assessment of infrastructure projects. John’s insight into...
In this episode, we look at things from a different perspective. Sci-Fi author Claudiu Murgan discusses his new book, Water Entanglement, and explains how...