David Dolphin, of utility technology provider Ayyeka, discusses a wide range of issues related to end-to-end remote monitoring system deployment. David covers signal strength, data encryption, battery life and other issues that utilities need to consider when evaluating a remote monitoring technology solution.
Reese Tisdale discusses big picture issues in the water sector, including the slow-moving train wreck that resulted in Cape Town’s water emergency in our Bluefield on Tap segment.
Paul Kramer of Gresham, Oregon, joins The Water Values Podcast to discuss a subject too infrequently discussed: Fats, Oils and Grease, or FOG. Paul...
GE Water’s Jon Freedman joins The Water Values Podcast to discuss water reuse and other challenges in the water industry. Jon walks us through...
Ever wonder how water is used in manufacturing processes? Grant Newhouse of Sustainable Water Solutions, LLC, provides a fantastic overview and explains the complex...