TWV 126 – The Mechanics of Investor-Owned Utility Rate Cases with Gary VerDouw

May 15, 2018
TWV 126 – The Mechanics of Investor-Owned Utility Rate Cases with Gary VerDouw
Water Values Podcast
TWV 126 – The Mechanics of Investor-Owned Utility Rate Cases with Gary VerDouw

May 15 2018 |


Show Notes

Gary VerDouw, a former American Water employee and now an independent rate and regulatory consultant, discusses the often misunderstood process of setting rates for investor-owned water utilities. Gary has tremendous experience having worked on investor-owned water utilities in multiple jurisdictions and having testified on rate cases before no less than seven public utility commissions. Gary does a tremendous job filling you in on the how, what, why and where of investor-owned water utility rates.

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