David Putnam conveys some of the wisdom he’s learned during his 40 years as contractor in the water and sewer industry. David talks prevention of SSOs, including his patented invention, the Sewer Sentry. David also talks pipe-breaking and gives us a glimpse of the more practical side of the water and sewer industry. If you aren’t out in the field every day working with the physical plant, this episode will open your eyes to some of the issues going on outside the fence.
Jimmy Emmons, a 3rd generation Oklahoma farmer, describes the benefits of no-till farming combined with a soil health program. Jimmy explains how no-till farming...
David Dolphin, of utility technology provider Ayyeka, discusses a wide range of issues related to end-to-end remote monitoring system deployment. David covers signal strength,...
Chris Moody, a lead on the American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) PFAS team, provides a wide-ranging interview on PFAS. Chris succinctly describes the background...