Cindy Wallis-Lage, the President of Black & Veatch’s Global Water Business, provides a great discussion of digital water. Cindy delves into the deep and broad capabilities digital water provides utilities and other participants in the water sector. She also offers ideas and examples for implementation of digital water solutions, including resulting savings.
Erin Bonney Casey provides insights into the U.S. government’s $25 billion spend in support of water infrastructure on our Bluefield on Tap segmen
Christine Boyle, President of Valor Water, joins The Water Values Podcast to discuss how big data can make big improvements to utilities’ bottom lines...
James Eklund returns as a guest to The Water Values Podcast and discusses alternative transfer methods (ATMs) in this episode, which is a topic...
David Putnam conveys some of the wisdom he’s learned during his 40 years as contractor in the water and sewer industry. David talks prevention...