Latest Episodes
Creative Environmental Solutions and Watershed Protection
Margaret Palmer, University of Maryland Professor and Director of the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, shares with the impact that mountaintop removal coal mining is...
TWV 029 – Thoughts on Water Utilities from the Chair with Chairman Alaina Burtenshaw of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada
Chmn. Alaina Burtenshaw of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (also a Co-Vice Chair of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ (NARUC) Committee...
Thoughts on Water Utilities from the Chair
Chmn. Alaina Burtenshaw of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (also a Co-Vice Chair of the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ (NARUC) Committee...
TWV 028 – Handling Environmental Issues in the Wastewater Treatment Process with Beth Toot-Levy
Beth Toot-Levy, Senior Environmental Specialist with the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, discusses environmental issues faced in the wastewater treatment process by the Cleveland...
Handling Environmental Issues in the Wastewater Treatment Process
Beth Toot-Levy, Senior Environmental Specialist with the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, discusses environmental issues faced in the wastewater treatment process by the Cleveland...
TWV 027 – Effective Communication in the Water Industry with Donna Vincent Roa
Donna Vincent Roa, a communication specialist, water sector communication expert and Managing Partner at the Vincent Roa Group, comes on The Water Values Podcast...