Terrence McDonough, an economics professor at the National University of Ireland in Galway, discusses one of the most controversial issues surrounding water in the current world: the implementation of water charges in Ireland. Terry fills us in on how water historically has been paid for by the Irish people, why the model has changed, and what is behind all of the unrest over these charges in Ireland. As Terry explains, it’s a very complicated issue. One far more complex than it appears at first blush.
Brad Lancaster discusses permaculture and rainwater harvesting. Brad describes how to harvest rainwater and greywater. Brad also explains how the soil helps filter out...
BGD LegCon previews the 2019 Indiana legislative session. While the subject matter may be Indiana-specific, it provides insight into how legislators think about water...
Retired Denver Water CEO Jim Lochhead reflects back on his career(s) in water. In this wide-ranging interview, Jim discusses the challenges on the Colorado...