UC Berkeley professor, David Sedlak, discusses the revolutions in urban water systems and to forecast what the next generation of our urban water systems will look like, which he calls Water 4.0. Dr. Sedlak takes us through the circumstances that surrounded the development of major technological revolutions in how water was supplied, treated and disposed of, and he’s got intriguing and provocative ideas on the need for and shape of a new revolution in our urban water systems.
Sam Schatz of AeroFarms pulls back the curtain on water use in vertical farming. Sam discusses water quality issues, filtration, conservation, and crop water...
Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Chairman Peter Lake joins us to discuss water infrastructure financing in Texas and more. Chairman Lake provides a wide-ranging...
Entrepreneur Rocky Holliday joins The Water Values Podcast to discuss the story of Watership Blue and ship-to-shore mobile desalination. Rocky discusses where the idea...